Illustrated map of six steps outlined below in the Startup CLT Hub

The community land trust (CLT) model in the United States first emerged with New Communities, Inc. in 1969 as an outgrowth of the Albany Civil Rights Movement. Originally a trust to hold rural land, the idea grew during the 1980s. Recently Non-Profit Quarterly has noted a resurgence in CLTs in the last two years. It’s popularity stems from its ability to secure affordable housing in neighborhoods in the midst of gentrification.

The community land trust does this by entering an agreement with homeowner that holds land and/or home in collective ownership for a specified period of time. The CLT operates to maintain community character and affordability for current and future residents.

Non-profits can attain funding for CLT’s through multiple means. National non-profits like Community Land Trust Accelerator to city councils like Denver which set up multi-million dollar funds to help CLT’s preserve affordable housing.

Although the chart above explains how to form a CLT in broad strokes, other groups provide more detailed instructions or websites like the National Community Land Trust Network which aids new activists in constructing their own community land trust.