Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York

Racial Designation: Black Gentrification Status: High Responsible Party: City of New York Tools of Gentrification: Illegal, Unauthorized, or Criminal Activity Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Councilman Robert Cornegy Jr.-Chair of the Council’s Comittee on Housing and …

Anacostia, Washington, D.C.

Racial Designation: Black, White Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: Basilica of the National Shrine Catholic Church responsible for Brookland Tools of Gentrification: Illegal, Unauthorized, or Criminal Activity Community Response: Yes …

Barry Farm, Washington, D.C.

Racial Designation: Black, White Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: Basilica of the National Shrine Catholic Church responsible for Brookland Tools of Gentrification: Illegal, Unauthorized, or Criminal Activity Community Response: Yes …

Brookland, Washington, D.C.

Racial Designation: Black, White Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: Basilica of the National Shrine Catholic Church responsible for Brookland Tools of Gentrification: Illegal, Unauthorized, or Criminal Activity Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Chester Hartman of the …

Mainstrasse, Covington, Kentucky

Racial Designation: Black, White Gentrification Status: Low Responsible Party: Sparen Realty LLC- John Stevie Tools of Gentrification: Landmark Targeting Community Response: No Anti-gentrification Advocates: M. Spears Anti-gentrification Strategies: Undetermined  Source:

Leimert Park, Los Angeles, California

Racial Designation: Black, Latino Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: White Artists Tools of Gentrification: Sound and Space, Sub-Prime Ripple Effect and Forced Suburbanization Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Solidarity House …

Crenshaw, Los Angeles, California

Racial Designation: Black, Latino Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: White Artists Tools of Gentrification: Sound and Space, Sub-Prime Ripple Effect and Forced Suburbanization Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Solidarity House …

Mid City, Los Angeles, California

Racial Designation: Black, Latino Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: White Artists Tools of Gentrification: Sound and Space, Sub-Prime Ripple Effect and Forced Suburbanization Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Solidarity House …

West Adam, Los Angeles, California

Racial Designation: Black, Latino Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: White Artists Tools of Gentrification: Sound and Space, Sub-Prime Ripple Effect and Forced Suburbanization Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Solidarity House of the South/ Defend Boyle Heights/ …

Humboldt Park, Chicago, Illinois

Racial Designation: Black, Latino Gentrification Status: Mid Responsible Party: Undetermined Tools of Gentrification: Sub-Prime Ripple Effect and Forced Suburbanization Community Response: Yes Anti-gentrification Advocates: Christain Diaz of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association/ Ivan Andres Vega of …